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TUMa/SMMUCo Dress Code
TUMa/SMMUCo is determined to build the society of people who are well prepared both, academically and morally as products of Christ centered institution. Students of TUMa/SMMUCo shall therefore be required to dress and keep themselves in a neat and tidy manner all the time within and outside the college as directed by this Code. Read more...

Health and wellness

At SMMUCo, the health and well-being of our community is promoted by the health care services and programs offered on campus by the University Health provider and management regularly.

University Health Services

University Health Services helps keep students healthy while they focus on their studies. Students can expect primary health at our Dispensaries located in each campus with at least a nurse and a competent medical doctor visiting once in a week for general consultation.


University students are not automatically enrolled in an insurance plan. All registered students who take credit courses and pay the required fees are eligible to enroll in the health insurance plan approved by the University.

Concerns about academic performance

We can facilitate communication with academic advisors and professors to determine the best option for our students, given a particular situation. In some cases, this may include helping student find appropriate resources (a tutor in a specific field, Services for Students with Disabilities, etc.)

Personal or family emergency

The Office of the Dean of Students is available to discuss students' concerns, notify faculty and staff of his/her absence, and provide information regarding campus and community resources available to assist.

Absence from Class

The Dean of Students Affairs can discretely notify faculty, staff, and other University officials of students' absence due to illness, injury, personal or family emergencies. While the Dean of Students Affairs can provide advocacy, it is ultimately at the discretion of faculty and staff as to whether accommodations will be provided. Documentation of circumstances is mandatory.

Mental health

With collaboration with the University counseling department, there are various counseling opportunities to students with various mental disorder. However, further assistance/referee can be sought from the professional counselors and nearby hospitals to ensure mental wellbeing of our students.

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